Jacksonville Times-Union: Duval faces $1.08 billion tab to renovate, replace schools

The Times Union has a nice write-up about a common dilemma that reared its ugly head recently: public schools with not enough money. While they (thankfully) don’t all look like School #4, just a little under a third (56) of…

HP Logo

HP is Moving ‘Thousands’ Of MPS Accounts To Reseller Partners

HP announced some pretty significant changes to how their Managed Print Services customer-base is serviced. One change, specifically, will affect a ‘small subset’ of their partner resellers, but will have a pretty wide impact: HP will be moving ‘thousands’ of…

Superconnector Cover

Reading list: Superconnector by Scott Gerber and Ryan Paugh

Superconnector is a book that aims to get people to “Stop networking and start connecting.” The authors, Scott Gerber and Ryan Paugh, contend that the old way of networking, simply collecting names and business cards instead of really connecting and building…

Economic Roundtable Speaker

Economic Roundtable of Jacksonville meeting: Housing Market Update

The Economic Roundtable of Jacksonville hosted a talk on Tuesday about the state of the Housing Market. Chris Butler, managing partner of DF Capital Management LLC, (associated with Dreamfinders Homes) spoke about the housing market in general, and Jacksonville, specifically.…