There was a great turnout at the first JITC meeting of the year! Optiv Inc’s Michael Scott led a talk about information security and how to effectively respond to a security breach. He spoke about, and gave examples of, recent breaches that was both interesting and educational.
“Don’t look back, you aren’t going that way.”
Viking Ragnar Lodbrok, by way of Michael Scott.
Fantastic advice for life, in general.
Secure Ideas was the breakfast sponsor an Sandy Griggs shared some information on the “Professionally Evil” Security classes they’re hosting in March. Brian Allen of CareerSource NE Florida mentioned that he has programs that may help pay for some (or all) of the cost of these classes. Pretty cool.
Newly appointed President Wendy Norfleet, Ph.D. challenged everybody in attendance to introduce themselves to five new people and to schedule one new intro meeting. I was successful, and I think many other people did, as well… Which, brings me to my last point:
Getting our and meeting new and interesting people, and learning new and interesting things, is what the JITC is all about. Join us at our next meeting, February 26th, and find out for yourself. Worst case, you eat one too many donuts!