JAX Chamber Downtown Council Welcomes Robert Peek

Robert Peek of JAXPORT speaks to the Downtown Council

I learned a lot on Friday, but one key takeaway: if you see our speaker, Robert Peek, MPA, CTL from Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT) at the grocery store, try to ask him something more unique than the status of the: Cruise ships in Jax, Harbor Deepening project, or Supply Chain woes.

Why? Because he answered those questions at the JAX Chamber‘s Downtown Council of Jacksonville breakfast this morning, and you should’ve been there!

Kidding aside, thanks to everyone that joined us today, including Elizabeth Bagan, APRN, FNP-C, ENP-C and Nichole Mobley from JAX Chamber Professional Women’s Council, several of our newest members, and several soon to be members. (Contact Meg Hynes to join!)

Have a great weekend!