Southside Business Men’s Club: trivia with Aaron Bean

SMBC Meeting pic

The Southside Business Men’s Club hosted Florida Senator Aaron Bean this week… If the whole politician thing ever gets old, Senator Bean definitely has a backup career opportunity in radio / trivia… He had the group laughing but at the same time, kept the game going.

Our table did pretty well, but we were edged out by a team that seemed to find just a couple of better answers than we did. We’ll get them next time.

I finally, actually joined this week. I think that means I get a name tag and I can stop feeling guilty that they were charging me the member rate for lunch.

If you haven’t been to (or been to, recently) the SBMC recently, I encourage you to do so. It’s a good group of people (men and women), and they definitely don’t take themselves too seriously.

Thanks for reading!